Übersicht über SmartHomeNG
SmartHomeNG ist ein System das als Metagateway zwischen verschiedenen „Dingen“ fungiert und dient der Verbindung unterschiedlicher Geräte-Schnittstellen. Die Standard-Schnittstelle eines Gerätes wird durch das Metagateway so um viele zusätzliche Schnittstellen erweitert. So ist es möglich dass die Klingel mit der Musikanlage und TV spricht, und dessen Wiedergabe unterbricht oder bei Abwesenheit eine Nachricht per Email verschickt.
Users may allow themselves to communicate 210-065 exam with others on 200-310 exam book a 210-065 exam type, 200-310 exam book but they prohibit the communication of other 200-310 exam book types.The fourth one is environment effect.The 210-065 exam 210-065 exam 210-065 exam natural environment and social environment have 200-105 questions & answers great adverse 200-105 questions & answers effects on 200-105 questions & answers computer network.The fifth one 200-310 exam book is human safety factors.If the managers do it have a correct use according to 210-065 exam regulations, 200-310 exam book and 210-065 exam even leak the keys information of 200-310 exam book system on 200-105 questions & answers purpose, the safety consequence 200-310 exam book is 210-065 exam 200-105 questions & answers 200-310 exam book inestimable.As we know, 210-065 exam there are many technologies to protect computer 210-065 exam network, and now the more mature security technology of wildly 210-065 exam 200-310 exam book 210-065 exam use is mainlyfirewall technology, anti-virus technology, etc.Firewall 200-105 questions & answers technology is the security application measures that network takes toimplements access control to Internal 210-065 exam and 200-105 questions & answers 200-310 exam book external nets communication through the predefined security strategy.
The 210-065 exam computer network has developed rapidly in the 200-105 questions & answers global range, and its application 200-310 exam book almost includes the areas of human life and work.It brings 200-105 questions & answers us unprecedented 200-310 exam book convenient 200-105 questions & answers at 210-065 exam the same 200-105 questions & answers 200-105 questions & answers time, but 200-105 questions & answers 200-105 questions & answers 200-310 exam book also give us a large quantity of difficult problems.The computer network security is a comprehensive subject, 200-105 questions & answers related to technology, management, 200-105 questions & answers use and maintenance etc 210-065 exam 200-310 exam book various aspects.To ensure the safety of computer network system, we should have a mixed use among various safety protection 200-310 exam book strategies, and 200-310 exam book will also develop more and more security solution technology to make network security and management level continuously improve.
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Eine umfassende Entwickler-Dokumentation in englischer Sprache gibt es unter www.smarthomeNG.de/developer.
Natürlich lebt dieses Projekt wie alles an Open Source vom mitmachen und alle sind eingeladen, das im Rahmen ihrer Möglichkeiten zu tun. Das z.B. kann gerne die Erweiterung eines How-To, die Kommentierung bestehenden Codes oder auch Beispiele sein.
SmartHomeNG v1.7 – Übersicht